Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tips for Quick Fat Loss - Burn Unwanted Fat


If you are striving for quick fat loss, you have probably encountered all the numerous diets and other methods highly recommended by family members and friends alike. No matter how many pounds you are looking to shed, there are two things you must remember. The first is exercise and the second is your eating habits. Exercise is necessary in order to burn off unwanted calories which will then translate to burning off fat. Changing your eating habits instead of going on a diet is quite effective because a diet is something only followed for a specified amount of time. Once that time is up and the weight is lost, many people often go back to their former eating habits and are more apt to gain the weight back. Changing your eating habits is the most effective way to lose weight and keep it off because you will not be returning to an abundance of unhealthy foods. Below are tips that will get you started in the right direction concerning both the fitness and eating habit aspects of how you can lose weight fast at home.

The key to exercise is consistency. It’s easy to talk yourself right out of exercising on any particular day because you’re tired or to tell yourself you’ll do it later. You probably have good intentions but the reality is it often doesn’t happen then either. When beginning your exercise program start out slow. You will increase the amount of time and the difficulty of the exercises as you go along, but you want to get in shape at a steady pace that won’t tire you out too much and will be most effective.

Set an exercise schedule. Decide when you are most likely to stick to this schedule and stay with it. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by other activities and exercise even when you don’t feel motivated to do so. Load up your MP3 player with your favorite tunes and let them be the sound track to your daily fitness program.

Forming good eating habits can prove a bit more difficult. The key is to choose healthy foods you will eat. Again, stay on a schedule. Eat a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner. You may also want to keep the night time meal lighter than the rest opting for steamed vegetables, fruits or salads.

For quick fat loss, break up your larger meals into smaller ones. It isn’t a bad idea to have a snack between breakfast and lunch, and then again between lunch and dinner. Also, do not eat after dinner. Eating too late in the evening can cause your food not to digest as it should which can then result in less burning of unwanted body fat.


Friday, May 28, 2010

"Discover Quick Fat Loss and Lose Weight Fast At Home!"


The belly is one of the most problematic areas to deal with while stiving for quick fat loss. Fortunately, there are several exercises that will target that area. Exercises to help you reduce 10 pounds are certainly effective in helping you achieve the figure you want. You can definitely reap the benefits of exercising regularly and "lose weight fast at home" if you are truly persistent and committed. If you are looking for "quick fat loss", begin with these easy, yet effective exercises.

Climbing Steps:
One of the most effective ways to not only reduce stomach fat but also improve quads and other leg muscles is climbing. You don’t have to engage in tedious hiking trips in order to do this. If you have a set of steps in your house, you can repeatedly climb it for at least thirty minutes.

Another effective way to "quick fat loss" is to use a treadmill. Treadmills can be inclined to increase the intensity of the workout. All you have to do is to incline the platform for at least ten to fifteen degrees and exercise for about fifteen minutes. You can gradually increase the time you spend on the exercise as you progress.

Squats are other excellent exercise routines to help burn fat on the stomach. These types of exercises can help reduce your waist size by effectively burning huge amounts of calories. Take note that squats can create a huge oxygen deficit in order to improve the body’s method of burning fat.

To start the exercise, first choose a part of your house where you cannot be disturbed or at least bump on any furniture. Start by squatting up and down while making sure that the tips of your fingers are able to touch the ground. This is different from other types of squatting wherein you place your hands behind your head. The exercise can be very effective if you do at most 100 repetitions in less than five minutes.

You can increase the intensity of the exercise by doing 200 repetitions in less than ten minutes. Just make sure that you progress gradually and not hastily to allow the body time to adjust.

The Vacuum Exercise:
This is a fairly easy but effective way to reduce stomach fat. You don’t have to have any fancy equipment for this since all you need to do is to maintain a pose for a few seconds. You can start by sucking in your belly button until you feel it seemingly touching your spine. It doesn’t necessarily have to be that intense though if you can’t handle it. As long as you can prolong the pose for 50 to 60 seconds, you are doing it correctly. After holding it for the required amount of time, rest and then repeat. Do this everyday for at least 20 minutes. This exercise is guaranteed to trim at least an inch of your waist in less than a month. Some even lose as much as three inches.

Bicycle Crunches:
Bicycle crunches is one of the most effective exercises to help you reduce 10 pounds and trim off that excess fat on your stomach. Start by lying on a comfortable mat and placing your hands behind your head. Slowly touch the tip of your right elbow with your left knee. Do the same for your left elbow and right knee. Gradually increase the speed of the exercise all the while tensing your abdomen. You can effectively burn significant amounts of calories everyday by performing the exercise for at least fifteen minutes.

Do one or all of these "quick fat loss" exercises and you will "lose weight fast at home!"

For even more detailed information that will show you how to lose weight fast and easily - Grab your FREE 5 part video series and watch the fat melt away!